Level Help 531-545 Trinity Gardens
- new levels were added for PCs on Sep 13 2017
- drop 4 chunks ... in 19 moves ... 25 moves(May 9 2019)
- you might want to start with an artifact with extra moves
- it is difficult to make 4-letter words at the start ... be patient and try to remove codices
- try to remove codices from the top down
- look to make vertical blasters above or below a chunk ... and look for 4-letter words
- a crown will take out a trap that is directly below a chunk ... sometimes
- 15015 will get 2 stars ... 20020 3 stars ... Vincent was able to get 3 stars in the 17k range
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- 12 words ... in 14 moves(May 6 2018)
- you may want to start with an artifact that removes move stealer(s)
- consider an artifact that adds crown(s) to the starting board
- the move stealers blow up in 2 & 4 moves
- take your time on the first move ... try to make a blaster that will hit some rocks
- consider the quit button if a blaster is not made right away
- 5 crowns will be created over the course of the game ... try to save them for 6-letter words
- crowns that are blasted will lengthen a word ... AND most are returned to the board
- 16400 will get 2 stars ... 17030 3 stars
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the move stealers are blasted in this example
14) 13) a great starting board ... you may have to quit several times before getting a starting board with a perfectly placed blaster on the first move
12) 11) the rocks are weak around the remaining move stealer
10) 9) the 6-letter words are done ... and a trap is blasted
8) 7) look for 4-letter words ... but keep looking for longer words
6) 5) the crown in STORY is not consumed because there are enough tiles to make a 5-letter word without any help from the crown
4) 3) the objective was met with every word in this example ... 2 moves remained unplayed
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- 56 bubbles ... in 14 turns
- 4 extra moves arrived here on Sep 21st(some got them earlier)
- 25 moves(May 9 2019) ... 26 moves(May 19 2020)
- you might want to start with an artifact with extra move(s)
- barney is an option with the added moves
- move stealers blow up in 5(middle) 7(left) & 9(right) moves
- crowns will hit the isolated bubbles ... but not always early in the game(they seem to target tiles with 2 bubbles)
- well placed blasters are required
- an 8-way to hit the lower 3 bubbles
- a 4-way to take out move stealers and one bubble(was able to win when this happened)
- a 4-way diagonal blaster can hit 2 isolated bubbles when in the right spot
- try to create blasters that do not need to be repositioned
- save a shuffle for the end ... crowns may wind up on isolated tiles
- sometimes a crown on an isolated tile is a good thing on the last few moves
- summary ... a combination of blasters and crowns will hit the isolated bubbles
- perfect blasters are on sale for the next 6 hours
- 16620 will get 2 stars ... 17070 3 stars
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- spread 36 cheese ... in 18 moves ... 22 moves(May 9 2019)
- you may want to start with an artifact that provides extra move(s)
- it helps to spread cheese on the first move ... the trap gets in the way immediately
- spread cheese or break entanglers on the first few moves
- it looks like crowns will come in handy all game
- there is not much else to say ... try to hit more than one rock at a time
- blast rock(s) and trap(s) at the same time, whenever possible
- 19510 will get 2 stars ... 21080 3 stars
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- find 3 mystery words ... in 16 moves ... 18 moves(May 9 2019) ... 19 moves(May 19 2020)
- you may want to start with an artifact that provides extra move(s)
- consider an artifact that removes exclamators
- try to create crowns when playing exclamators
- play a crown to get a gold tile that is the next unknown letter in the mystery word
- 13618 will get 2 stars ... 15130 3 stars
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