Level Help 576-590 Limburger Lake
- 64 bubbles in 14 turns
- one move was added Nov 15 2017 ... 15 moves now ... it is still difficult, however
- 58 bubbles ... 18 moves(Nov 6 2018) ... 19 moves(May 9 2019)
- you may want to start with an artifact that provides extra move(s)
- plan B ... select an artifact that removes trap(s) ... and hope to make a 6 or 7 letter word where the trap was removed
- plan B gives you a chance to make a big word early ... and a decent chance at a win
- this level may be harder than 566 and 577
- 8 traps????? ... what's up with that?
- try to hit 2 traps when playing a blaster(one trap at a minimum)
- is it time for a break, yet?
- let's make some blasters!!!
- late breaking news ... occasionally a crown will hit a trap
- try to avoid leaving tiles with 2 bubbles isolated from other tiles
- suggestion from Loretta :just a tip for 586. It's a really weird one where I couldn't think of a strategy and
- would keep hitting quit early. Then I just started letting it play out and it seemed to suddenly just work.
- 13112 will get 2 stars ... 13453 3 stars
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- spread 34 cheese ... in 11 moves ... 13 moves(Nov 6 2018) .. 16 moves(May 9 2019)
- you may want to start with an artifact that provides extra move(s)
- move stealers blow up in 2 3 4 & 5 moves
- you may need the quit button for this one
- ideal first move ... spread the cheese and hit move stealer(s)
- try to hit multiple move stealers ... look to hit exclamators too
- be efficient when playing a blaster ... try to hit a trap
- 10615 will get 2 stars ... 14971 3 stars
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- 11 words ... in 11 moves(Nov 6 2018) ... ouch ... 14 moves(May 9 2019) ... 15 moves(May 19 2020)
- you may want to start with an artifact that provides extra move(s)
- start with exclamators ... take your time and look to make blasters
- try to blast a trap whenever playing a blaster
- try to save some crowns for the last few moves to make 6-letter words
- 10530 will get 2 stars ... 12936 3 stars
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- 1 plate ... in 14 moves(Nov 6 2018)
- this one can end quickly
- barney is a good choice with plenty of moves
- simple approach ... try to blast the plate
- use other blasters to remove the traps
- 1000 points are required for one star
- 11900 will get 2 stars ... 12890 3 stars
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- 3 mystery words ... in 16 moves ... 17 moves(May 9 2019)
- you may want to start with an artifact that provides extra move(s)
- try to make 4-letter words when playing entanglers, codices, and exclamators
- play crowns to get the next letter of the mystery word
- 10160 will get 2 stars ... 12280 3 stars
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