Level Help 456-470 Fondue Fjords
- 3 mystery words ... in 13 moves ... 15 moves(May 10 2019)
- you may want to start with an artifact that provides extra move(s)
- consider an artifact that removes trap(s)
- blast a trap, whenever possible
- play a crown to produce a gold tile that is the next letter in the mystery word
- 13904 will get 2 stars ... 15290 3 stars
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- 8 chunks in 17 moves ... 24 moves(May 10 2019) ... 25 moves(May 20 2020)
- you may want to use an artifact with extra move(s)
- every move is precious(with 17 moves)
- with 19 moves ... 6 efficient moves will get each chunk ... that leaves 13 moves to get 6 chunks
- try to get a vertical blaster every other turn under a chunk .. then play the blaster ... 2 moves to get a chunk
- a blaster that hits rocks under both chunks might help drop the first 2 chunks in 5 moves
- there is a way to drop a chunk in one move
- start with a vertical blaster under a chunk
- play the blaster under the chunk and make a new vertical blaster above the chunk
- the new blaster will be positioned under the next chunk ... the new chunk will be gone in one move
- repeat this maneuver, whenever possible
- 14530 will get 2 stars ... 14770 3 stars
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- spread 37 cheese ... in 16 moves ... 17 moves(May 10 2109) ... 19 moves(May 20 2020)
- you may want to use an artifact with extra move(s)
- try to spread the cheese on the first turn
- try to break the rocks with the words betty gives you
- don't worry about the magnet early ... but don't forget about it later on
- spread the cheese to the outer columns using blasters that have already been cheesed
- a horizontal blaster on the exclamators will really help
- save some crowns for the last few moves to get isolated tiles
- 16775 2 stars ... 20878 3 stars
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- 15 words ... in 16 moves ... 21 moves(May 10 2019) .. 23 moves(May 20 2020)
- you may want to start with an artifact that provides extra move(s)
- consider an artifact to add crown(s)
- when you cannot make a blaster then try to make a crown
- try to get the exclamator early
- blast a trap whenever possible
- conserve crowns ... try to avoid making words with crowns ... blast crowns instead
- make a 4 letter word and blast crown(s) - most blasted crowns are returned to the board AND you get a new crown
- make a longer word and blast crown(s) - most blasted crowns are returned to the board
- ideal first move ... make a blaster
- 17990 will get 2 stars ... 19060 3 stars
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- drop 7 chunks ... in 19 moves
- drop 6 chunks ... in 20 moves(May 10 2019) ... 21 moves(May 20 2020)
- you may want to use an artifact with extra move(s)
- chunks drop down the middle
- clear the codices and exclamator from the middle column first
- use vertical blasters to drop the chunks next
- 15675 will get 2 stars ... 20614 for 3 stars
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- spread 40 cheese ... in 18 moves ... 21 moves(May 10 2019) ... 22 moves(May 20 2020)
- you may want to use an artifact with extra move(s)
- try to spread cheese on the first turn
- play blasters with cheese to spread cheese beyond the cheese that has already spread
- hit the solid rock on the left often ... do not wait until the last few moves
- avoid 3-letter words ... unless absolutely necessary
- 12602 will get 2 stars ... 18227 for 3 stars
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- 5 plates in 19 moves .
- 22 moves(Jun 9 2018) ... 23 moves(May 10 2019) ... 26 moves(May 20 2020)
- this is a great level for using barney
- as with other cheesy plates ... try to use blasters ... avoid wasting turns breaking rocks around the plates
- Vincent mentioned an 8-way blaster to take out plates #1 #2 #3 & #4
- try to position a horizontal blaster to take out plates #1 & #2
- a 4-way diagonal blaster positioned at the 'R' of 'IRY' will take out plates #3 & #4
- go after rocks in the 4th row to make room for more tiles
- blasters blasters blasters
- 18020 will get 2 stars ... 19160 3 stars
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- 2 mystery words ... in 12 moves ... 13 moves(May 10 2019) ... 15 moves(Jan 4 2020)
- you may want to start with an artifact that provides extra move(s)
- consider an artifact that removes exclamator(s)
- Sabrina used barney and the crown booster(adds 3 crowns at the start) to get 3 stars
- some players like to use the artifact that adds crown(s) on find-the-letters levels
- the move stealers blow up in 3 & 4 moves
- consider the quit button when the move stealers are unplayable
- try to create crowns when playing exclamators
- play a crown to produce a gold tile that is the next unknown letter in the mystery word
- 13761 will get 2 stars ... 14330 3 stars
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- 15 words ... 16 moves ... you may want to use an artifact with extra move(s)
- 15 words ... in 21 moves(May 10 2019) ... 23 moves(May 20 2020)
- try to make 4-letter words with entanglers ... unless you can make words that count as 6 or 7 letter words
- attack a weak rock on each side of the board ... letters will flow when one rock is gone
- try to save crowns to make 6 and 7 letter words
- most blasted crowns are returned to the board in a new position
- crowns are consumed when used as part of a word that meets the objective
- 17180 will get 2 stars ... 19294 3 stars
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- spread 36 cheese ... 18 moves ... 19 moves(May 20 2020)
- you may want to use an artifact with extra move(s)
- first turn ... priorities:
- create a blaster
- spread cheese
- break entanglers
- hit an exclamator
- create a crown
- early in the game ... break entanglers(one on each side at a minimum) and hit exclamators
- mid game ... hit exclamators and rocks
- the last few moves play crowns to get isolated tiles
- all the while spread cheese and make some crowns
- crowns only remove the exclamation point ... doh! ... a second hit may be required with a crown
- 17370 will get 2 stars ... 19107 3 stars
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