Level Help 486-500 Bone Dry Badlands
- 66 bubbles 18 moves ... 21 moves(May 10 2019)
- try an artifact with extra move(s)
- upper left move stealer blows up in 4 moves
- there are 4 groups of codices that eat up moves
- save some crowns for the last few moves to get any isolated tiles
- 14890 will get 2 stars ... 15140 3 stars
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- 3 mystery words ... in 18 moves ... 20 moves(May 10 2019)
- you may want to start with an artifact that provides extra move(s)
- other artifacts ... remove move stealer(s) ... remove exclamator(s) ... remove codices
- the move stealers blow up in 5 & 10 moves
- try to create crowns when playing codices and exclamators
- blast a trap for fun
- one approach ... try to create a diagonal blaster to hit the move stealers ... requires a fully functional quit button
- it is still possible to win if one move stealer blows up
- 11090 will get 2 stars ... 12290 3 stars
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- spread 32 cheese in 16 moves ... 21 moves(May 10 2019)
- you may want to use an artifact with extra move(s)
- consider an artifact to remove move stealer(s) if they become annoying
- the move stealers blow up in 4 5 8 and 9 moves
- the move stealers make this a challenge ... try to get the upper ones first ... if you only lose 2 moves continue playing
- try to spread cheese while blasting the upper move stealers
- you may be able to lose another 2 moves on the lower move stealers
- blast a trap whenever possible
- save some crowns for the last few moves to spread cheese get isolated tiles
- 17677 will get 2 stars ... 19173 3 stars
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- drop 6 chunks ... in 21 moves
- you may want to use an artifact that provides extra move(s)
- early approach ... make 4-letter words with codices and entanglers
- early and mid game ... blast some traps
- try to create a vertical blaster above or below a chunk
- save some crowns for the last few moves to hit tiles directly below a chunk
- 20420 will get 2 stars ... 20660 3 stars
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- 3 plates ... in 16 moves ... 30 moves(May 10 2019)
- there are plenty of moves for this level ... barney will work well here
- create and aim 3 blasters to take out the plates
- a diagonal blaster can hit plate #1
- create and aim horizontal blasters at plates #2 & #3
- 18390 will get 2 stars ... 21390 3 stars
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- spread 29 cheese ... in 15 moves ... 17 moves(May 10 2019)
- you may want to select an artifact that will provide extra move(s)
- the moves stealers blow up in 5 & 10 moves
- try to create a 4-way blaster in the lower right corner to hit both move stealers
- if you have a magical board ... you will be able to create a 4-way blaster in the upper left corner
- the magical blaster in the upper left corner will remove both move stealers
- it is still possible to win if one move stealer blows up
- try to clear the codices and exclamators early
- save some crowns for the last few moves to get any isolated tiles
- 11341 will get 2 stars ... 12510 3 stars
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- 60 bubbles ... 19 moves ... 20 moves(Jul 25 2018) ... 21 moves(May 10 2019)
- move stealers blow up in 5 moves
- many choices for the artifact ... consider one that removes move stealer(s)
- this level is beatable even if you lose 2 moves
- 13370 will get 2 stars ... 13670 3 stars
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- find 3 mystery words ... in 15 moves ... 4 words 17 moves(May 10 2019)
- you may want to start with an artifact that provides extra move(s)
- betty often hides at least one letter that is needed for the mystery word
- play the tiles that are available on the board before playing crowns
- play a crown to produce a gold tile that is the next letter in the mystery word
- 19052 will get 2 stars ... 22275 3 stars
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- 4 mystery words ... in 18 moves ... 19 moves(May 10 2019)
- you may want to start with an artifact that provides extra move(s)
- try to make crowns when playing codices and exclamators
- try to clear most codices and exclamators early in the game
- play a crown to produce a gold tile that is the next unknown letter in the mystery word
- 10150 will get 2 stars ... 12250 3 stars
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- 6 chunks in 18 moves ... 25 moves(May 10 2019)
- move stealers blow up in 4 and 5 moves ... try the artifact that removes these
- consider other artifacts ... extra moves ... remove the magnets
- ideal first move ... create a blaster to get the move stealers
- exclamator and codices need to go first ... avoid 3 letter words, if possible
- try to create a vertical blaster above or below are chunk ... often
- 21615 will get 2 stars ... 23804 3 stars
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