Level Help 246-260 Frosty Fjord
- 4 mystery words ... in 21 moves ... 22 moves(May 10 2019) ... 24 moves(May 22 2020)
- you may want to start with an artifact that provides extra move(s)
- the move stealers blow up in 5 15 & 20 moves
- try to create crowns when playing codices and exclamators
- the move stealers blend into the background ... don't forget about them
- play a crown to produce a gold tile that is the next letter in the mystery word
- create extra crowns ... some crowns may not provide a gold tile
- 9780 will get 2 stars ... 10000 3 stars
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- 84 bubbles ... in 32 moves ... 38 moves(May 10 2019) ... 39 moves(May 22 2020)
- you may want to use an artifact with extra move(s)
- try to blast the traps early
- the corner rocks need attention ... often
- not much else to say ... try to hit at least 3 bubbles each turn early
- try to hit 2 rocks at a time
- 16730 will get 2 stars ... 17730 3 stars
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- 11 chunks in 24 moves ... 25 moves(May 10 2019) ... 27 moves(May 22 2020)
- you may want to use an artifact with extra move(s)
- try to hit multiple obstacles below the chunks ... codices ... entanglers ... exclamators
- be patient ... it will take several moves to clear the obstacles
- try to create vertical blasters above or below the chunks
- 2 chunks have only 3 tiles to remove ... look at these first before making any move
- 13480 will get 2 stars ... 17670 3 stars
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- 10 words ... in 20 moves ... 27 moves(May 10 2019) ... 30 moves(May 22 2020)
- you may want to start with an artifact that provides extra move(s)
- some players like to use an artifact that adds crown(s)
- try to make crowns when playing entanglers and codices
- when most of the entanglers and codices are gone then it becomes easier to make longer words
- crowns that are blasted add to a word's length AND most are returned to the board
- the best way to make a longer word is by blasting crowns as opposed to having crowns in the shorter word
- one approach ... flood the board with crowns early in the game ... later on blast crowns and make long words
- 14880 will get 2 stars ... 15520 3 stars
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- spread 42 cheese ... in 30 moves ... 32 moves(May 10 2019)
- you may want to start with an artifact that provides extra move(s)
- try to spread cheese on the first move
- the main target is the rock in the center ... it is the gateway for spreading cheese to the lower 3 rows
- playing a blaster that has been cheesed(from the upper rows) can spread cheese to the lower rows
- playing a crown may spread cheese to the bottom ... no guarantee, however
- when breaking rocks at the bottom try to hit at least 3 rocks at a time
- 17130 will get 2 stars ... 17580 3 stars
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- 82 bubbles ... in 28 moves ... almost 3 bubbles each move
- 78 bubbles ... 31 moves(May 10 2019)
- you may want to start with an artifact that provides extra move(s)
- 6 rocks ... 5 are solid ... try to hit 2 at a time
- codices ... try to make 4 letter words(or longer)
- entanglers ... try to make 4 letter words(or longer)
- play blasters that will hit a trap, whenever possible
- avoid making 3 letter words, if possible
- try to save some crowns for the last few moves to get any isolated bubbles
- 15910 will get 2 stars ... 17127 3 stars
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- find 3 mystery words ... in 22 moves
- 25 moves(May 10 2019) ... 4 words(Apr 18 2020)
- you may want to start with an artifact that provides extra move(s)
- try to create crowns when playing exclamators ... try to play at least one exclamator the first few moves
- betty often hides at least one letter that is needed for the mystery word
- play the tiles that are available on the board before playing crowns
- play a crown to produce a gold tile that is the next unknown letter in the mystery word
- create extra crowns ... some crowns may not provide a gold tile
- 13300 will get 2 stars ... 14260 3 stars
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- 76 bubbles ... in 28 moves(May 10 2019)
- you may want to start with an artifact that provides extra move(s)
- other artifacts to consider ... remove trap(s) ... remove codices
- targets:
- the four tiles at the top that are off the board ... 8 hits are required to remove the bubbles at the top
- ten rocks ... words made that are adjacent to the rocks will remove a layer from each rock hit
- five traps ... try to blast a trap whenever is blaster is played
- four codices ... try to create a crown when playing a codex
- one exclamator ... try to play it early in the game
- one magnet ... it goes away when the exclamator is used in a word
- how do we get the 4 bubbles at the top? ... actually there are 8 bubbles - two per tile
- ... blasters are the primary weapon ... crowns will hit bubbles when ALL other targets are gone
- you may have to settle for 3-letter words early in the game until the board opens up
- try to hit multiple targets early in the game on every turn
- 17290 will get 2 stars ... 17890 3 stars
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- drop 12 chunks ... in 26 moves ... 28 moves(May 10 2019) ... 31 moves(May 22 2020)
- you may want to start with an artifact that provides extra move(s)
- vertical blasters are the most efficient weapon when dropping chunks
- try to create a crown whenever unable to create a blaster
- crowns will hit the first tile below a chunk
- save a few crowns for the last few moves to get any isolated tiles
- the 4 rocks need attention early and mid game ... don't wait too long to start hitting the rocks
- 17853 will get 2 stars ... 18227 3 stars
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- find 3 mystery words ... in 20 moves(May 10 2019) ... 23 moves(May 22 2020)
- you may want to start with an artifact that provides extra move(s)
- ideal first move ... create a vertical blaster aimed to hit one of the traps
- try to create crowns when cracking rocks
- betty often hides at least one letter that is needed for the mystery word
- play the tiles that are available on the board before playing crowns
- play a crown to produce a gold tile that is the next unknown letter in the mystery word
- create extra crowns ... some crowns may not provide a gold tile
- 12110 will get 2 stars ... 13260 3 stars
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