Level Help 276-290 Mousetorini
- spread 36 cheese in 20 moves ... 22 moves(May 10 2019) ... 23 moves(May 21 2020)
- you may want to start with an artifact that provides extra move(s)
- Theresa's approach
- switched to Miceking which zaps the red bordered tiles
- try to get the most letters in the top 7 tiles, especially, the one under the top six, to get the tiles falling
- try for either 3 or 5 letter words so the magnets don't get fed
- to get as many 5+ words as you can, as well as crowns
- success ... 3 stars with this approach
- the entangler between the rocks prevents tiles from flowing ... on a good board this entangler will be playable on the first move AND cheese can be spread on the second move
- there will be 3 unused tiles(including rocks and magnets)
- try to spread cheese right away and target the upper rocks at the same time, if possible
- create crowns for use at the end to get isolated tiles
- try to aim blasters at magnets that are holding crowns
- 17060 will get 2 stars ... 18040 3 stars
0 -
- 12 chunks in 26 moves
- 29 moves(Dec 22 2017) ... 30 moves(May 10 2019) ... 33 moves(May 21 2020)
- you may want an artifact with extra moves
- there are many obstacles(entanglers, codices, and exclamators) on the board ... try to hit multiple obstacles each turn early in the game
- for example, the 'S'(above) that touches 2 rocks would be a good play on the first turn
- if you can keep playing a tile that touches those rocks ... then keep playing the tile in that position as often as possible
- after a few turns go after the weakest chunk or chunks ... it will take a few turns to get the first chunk ... be patient
- avoid dropping a chunk directly atop an exclamator or a rock until a nearby chunk has dropped, if possible
- there is a solid rock in the far right column ... once the chunk next to that rock drops start cracking the rock in the far right column
- look for opportunities to drop 2 chunks in one move
- 16310 will get 2 stars ... 17780 3 stars
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