Level Help 156-170 Mousechu Picchu
- spread 45 cheese ... in 33 moves(Dec 31 2017) ... 35 moves(Apr 15 2020)
- you may want to start with an artifact that provides extra move(s)
- the move stealer blows up after 8 moves
- try to spread cheese right away
- How do I get rid of rocks that surround one tile, but rocks separate from rest of tiles???
- notes are from Rose ... thank you Rose
- you need blasters and crowns
- try to make long words if you can plus 4 letter words for crowns
- take your time...to see the best strategy
- try to get rid of the bomb in the middle at the beginning so letters will go in the middle and then try to use those letters
- 12870 will get 2 stars ... 13310 3 stars
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- spread 52 cheese ... in 35 moves ... 34 moves(May 11 2019) ... 31 moves(May 22 2020)
- you may want to start with an artifact that provides extra move(s)
- try to spread cheese right away
- move stealers blow up in 8 and 9 moves
- try to blast the traps before they get loose
- target one or two rocks on the 6th row to allow the cheese to spread below when the rocks are gone
- there are 2 unused tiles at the end of the game
- 4170 will get 2 stars ... 5510 3 stars(Dec 31 2017)
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- spread 39 cheese ... in 32 moves(34 moves Dec 31 2017)
- 32 moves(May 11 2019) ... 33 moves(May 22 2020)
- you may want to start with an artifact that provides extra move(s)
- the move stealers blow up in 7 moves ... get them first
- then work on the codices(books)
- try to spread some cheese while getting the move stealers and codices
- don't worry about spreading cheese while breaking the rocks
- there are 4 rocks that require 5 hits ... try to blast these all game long, if possible
- most rocks can be broken by playing adjacent tiles to the rocks
- try to hit more than one rock when playing adjacent tiles to the rocks
- 19790 will get 2 stars ... 20210 3 stars
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- drop 6 chunks ... in 29 moves(Jan 1 2018) ... 33 moves(May 11 2019) ... 35 moves(May 22 2020)
- you may want to start with an artifact that provides extra move(s)
- this level requires a lot of patience ... it is difficult to make long words early in the game
- try to hit 2 or 3 codices each turn early on ... patience is required
- it make take several turns to remove enough codices before you can start making longer words ... patience
- if you can finish with unused moves and unused blasters, betty will play them after the last cheese drops ...this can add many points to the total ... for each unused move a blaster is created and played by betty
- unused crowns are worth 500 points each at the end of the game
- 15580 will get 2 stars ... 16260 3 stars
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- drop 4 chunks ... in 38 moves(Jan 1 2017) ... 28 moves(May 11 2019)
- you may want to start with an artifact that provides extra move(s)
- early ... try to make 4 letter words with the entanglers
- the far right column requires attention all game
- there are 2 traps and 2 entanglers and 7 tiles ... 11 hits are required on the right column
- try to avoid dropping every cheese chunk atop a rock
- once a chunk drops the game becomes much easier
- use crowns to hit the right column after all other chunks have dropped
- 16200 will get 2 stars ... 18500 3 stars
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- 9 words ... in 26 moves(Jan 1 2017) ... 29 moves(May 11 2019) ... 30 moves(May 22 2020)
- you may want to start with an artifact that provides extra move(s)
- make 4 letter words with codices(books), if possible
- sometimes betty will give a long word early
- use crowns to make the longer words ... move 20 ... 7 letter word plus 1 crown counted as 8 letters
- crowns that are blasted will lengthen a word ... AND most are returned to the board
- keep making 4-letter words ... unused crowns count as 500 points at the end of the game
- not necessary to get every codex ... try to get many early
- 21142 will get 2 stars ... 22000 3 stars
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- 80 bubbles ... in 34 moves(Jan 2 2018)
- 76 bubbles ... in 35 moves(May 11 2019) ... 33 moves(May 22 2020)
- you may want to start with an artifact that provides extra move(s)
- from Herb's hints ... You play the game with blasters ; you BEAT the game with CROWNS!
- there is not much to work with at the start ... be patient
- eventually, blasters will be played ... try to take out a trap when playing a blaster
- don't wait until the last few moves to remove the entanglers
- once the board opens up try to hit at least 4 bubbles each turn(try for 4 ... settle for 3 if necessary)
- 12860 will get 2 stars ... 13180 3 stars
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- 90 bubbles ... 36 moves(Jan 2 2018))
- 70 bubbles in 32 moves(May 11 2019) ... 34 moves(May 22 2020)
- you may want to start with an artifact that provides extra move(s)
- the 2 center rocks need attention ... aim blasters at these early and often
- if you cannot make a blaster - try to make a 4-letter word
- try to get at least 4 bubbles every turn early in the game
- 23080 will get 2 stars ... 25047 3 stars
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- drop 9 chunks ... 33 moves(May 11 2019) ... 35 moves(Apr 15 2020)
- you may want to start with an artifact that provides extra move(s)
- consider the quit button if a blaster cannot be created within the first few moves
- the traps are 'trapped' ... blast them early and often
- when a blaster cannot be created ... try to make a 4-letter word with tiles adjacent to the rocks
- take your time every move ... and look to create a blaster
- try to hit rocks every turn
- 26940 will get 2 stars ... 27070 3 stars
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- 13 words ... in 20 moves ... 35 moves(May 11 2019) ... 33 moves(May 22 2020)
- codices gone wild ... try to hit 4 at a time to create a crown
- try to save crowns to make 7-letter words
- when you get a 5-letter word without crowns ... take it
- when you get a 6-letter word without crowns ... create a couple of crowns and hope one winds up in the 6-letter word(to make it count as a 7-letter word)
- crowns that are blasted add to a word's length AND most blasted crowns are returned to the board in a new position
- the best way to make a longer word is by blasting crowns as opposed to having crowns in the shorter word
- 18030 will get 2 stars ... 18620 3 stars
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