Level Help 201-215 Lumimouse Lanterns
- 55 bubbles ... in 40 moves ... 29 moves(May 22 2020)
- pick your favorite artifact ... Herb usually recommends extra moves
- take a few turns to get the rocks in the upper left corner
- try to create vertical blasters to hit 4 rocks in one move
- try to blast a trap, whenever possible
- there is a row with 7 rocks ... go after the weakest rock(s) until one rock has been removed
- once a rock(2 is better) has been removed at the bottom ... try to place a horizontal blaster that will hit the remaining rocks
- 14820 will get 2 stars ... 15140 3 stars
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- 94 bubbles ... in 55 moves(May 29 2018)
- 35 moves(May 22 2020) ... 8 fewer rocks(rocks replaced with tiles)
- use your favorite artifact
- the early target - exclamators
- if you are lucky ... try to make a vertical blaster right down the middle to take out EVERY exclamator in one move
- if the magical blaster cannot be made ... don't sweat it ... there are plenty of moves
- it pays to take your time on this level ... find a blaster - then try to find a better blaster
- you do not need a blaster every turn - create some crowns with 4-letter words(after the board is opened up)
- this is a good level to practice 'moving' letters to create ing er ed and other suffixes to make long words
- save some crowns for the end to get to any isolated bubbles
- 24580 will get 2 stars ... 26020 3 stars
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- 3 mystery words ... in 13 moves ... 14 moves(May 10 2019)
- you may want to start with an artifact that provides extra move(s)
- try to create crowns when playing exclamators
- consider the quit button when 2 or more letters of the mystery word are not on the first board
- play a crown to produce a gold tile that is the next letter in the mystery word
- create extra crowns ... some crowns may not provide a gold tile
- 15081 will get 2 stars ... 16588 3 stars
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- spread 41 cheese ... in 29 moves(May 10 2019)
- approach ... spread the cheese across the top 2 rows first
- once the top rows are spread ... play a crown to spread cheese to the lower rows(sometimes a blaster will spread cheese below)
- this level can be beaten using short words
- the center column on the lower level can cause problems ... try to spread cheese there before the last few moves
- 12837 will get 2 stars ... 13160 3 stars
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- spread 42 cheese ... in 29 moves (Apr 15 2020)
- don't forget about the top 2 rocks ... ty Elizabeth
- there are many targets here ... try to hit multiple targets each turn ... move stealers, rocks and codices
- try to blast every move stealer in one move
- try to blast every exclamator in one move
- codices need attention ... blasters may hit these by accident
- hit rocks whenever possible ... the outer rocks need attention
- hit targets often ... and often
- there are plenty of moves for this level ... be patient ... and hit targets
- 14620 will get 2 stars ... 16300 3 stars
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- find 2 words ... in 13 moves ... 15 moves(May 10 2019) ... 17 moves(May 22 2020)
- you may want to use an artifact with extra move(s)
- play tiles(like we usually do) to make a word that betty accepts
- normally, it is best to create crowns on the first few turns
- when a blaster is not found ... try to make a 4-letter word using an exclamator
- try to save crowns to get the final letter of a mystery word
- there are 2 options when the H in NIGHT is not on the board
- keep playing until an 'H' appears on the board(can be a bad idea)
- play a crown and a 'H' will usually appear as a gold tile ... if the 'H' is unplayable play another crown
- create extra crowns ... some crowns may not provide a gold tile
- 12700 will get 2 stars ... 13220 3 stars
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- drop 6 chunks in 28 moves ... 32 moves(May 10 2019) ... 34 moves(Apr 13 2020)
- this is a good exercise in dropping a chunk in 2 moves after the entanglers are gone
- you may not need an artifact with extra moves
- other choices ... remove entangler(s) ... or remove trap(s)
- create vertical blasters below a chunk, then play the blaster when traps are not in the way ... 2 moves to drop a chunk
- hit the rocks on the left along the way ... try to hit 2 at a time
- save some crowns for the last few moves to get unplayable tiles under the last chunk
- 13850 will get 2 stars ... 14010 3 stars
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- drop 4 chunks ... in 21 moves(May 10 2019)
- you may want to start with an artifact that provides extra move(s)
- the move stealers start blowing up at 24 moves
- try to blast the rock below the far right chunk ... and keep blasting the far right column
- try to create vertical blasters below each chunk
- 17900 will get 2 stars ... 18260 3 stars
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- this level takes awhile ... be patient ... 39 moves to spread 35 cheese ... now has 39 cheese in 38 moves
- spread 39 cheese ... in 33 moves(May 10 2019) ... 30 moves(May 22 2020)
- you may want to use an artifact with extra move(s)
- the board is split ... work on the top 5 rows first
- sometimes the cheese will spread at the bottom by surprise ... but don't count on it
- when the top rows are completely cheesed ... play a crown to spread cheese to the lower rows
- a blaster that has been cheesed can spread cheese to the lower rows
- pound the rocks up top
- try to break the entanglers below(when you are stalling for a shuffle) ... crowns may hit entanglers - it is more efficient to make words and break entanglers than to rely on crowns
- once the cheese has spread to the bottom then start playing crowns
- 11860 will get 2 stars ... 12260 3 stars
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- 3 mystery words ... in 13 moves(May 10 2019) ... 12 moves(May 22 2020)
- you may want to start with an artifact that provides extra move(s)
- blast a trap or two along the way
- play a crown to produce a gold tile that is the next letter in the mystery word
- create extra crowns ... some crowns may not provide a gold tile
- 10241 will get 2 stars ... 11020 3 stars
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