Level Help 96-110 New Mouse Harbour

Posts: 1,976

- 11 words ... 18 moves(May 11 2019) ... 20 moves(May 22 2020)
- choose an artifact with extra move(s)
- if the move stealers keep blowing up consider an artifact to remove move stealer(s)
- priorities:
- remove move stealers ... the blue circles ... which blow up in 3 and 4 moves
- remove entanglers ... those tiles do not add to the letter count for a word
- get a 9-letter word or equivalent ... it is now an 8-letter word(May 11 2019)
- if you remove entanglers with a 4-letter word you still make a crown
- there will be at least 6 turns where you can create a crown(with a 4-letter word)
- you don't need to make an actual 9-letter word ... make a word that has crowns:
- a 6 letter word that has 3 crowns counts as a 9 letter word
- a 7 letter word that has 2 crowns counts as a 9 letter word
- an 8 letter word that has 1 crown counts as a 9 letter word
- if a blaster hits a crown it adds to the word length ... AND most blasted crowns are returned to the board in a new position
- Herb says: you play the game with blasters ... you win the game with crowns
- 19550 will get 2 stars ... 21810 3 stars
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- 6 words ... in 16 moves ... 15 moves(May 22 2020)
- you may want to start with an artifact that provides extra move(s)
- the old standby ... use an artifact to add move(s) ... alternates below
- one approach ... remove many entanglers in 2 or 3 moves ... try to finish with 8 moves left
- blaster approach ... 8-way blaster on the first move ... blast entanglers on move #2 ... try to finish with 10 moves left
- barney approach(if available) ... try to make a word with 3 gold tiles
- crown approach ... use an artifact to add crowns and try to finish with 10 moves left
- JenJen tried to flood the board with crowns and finish with 1 move left(allowing betty to play any blasters on the board)
- crowns that are blasted will lengthen a word ... AND most are returned to the board
- 23397 will get 2 stars ... 24178 3 stars
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- drop 7 chunks ... in 21 moves
- 6 chunks ... in 24 moves(May 11 2019) ... 25 moves(May 22 2020)
- you may want to start with an artifact that provides extra move(s)
- first move ... take your time and try to create a blaster to get off to a strong start
- the move stealers blow up in 5 & 10 moves ... try to get these early in the game
- when playing entanglers ... try to make 4-letter words(or longer)
- once entanglers have been removed below a chunk ... try to create a vertical blaster to take out that chunk
- save some crowns for the last few moves to get any isolated tiles
- 15450 will get 2 stars ... 16800 3 stars
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- drop 6 chunks ... in 22 moves
- 5 chunks ... in 27 moves(May 11 2019) ... 25 moves(May 22 2020)
- you may want to start with an artifact that provides extra move(s)
- start with the move stealers ... 5 moves before the three move stealers blow up
- try to remove the upper entanglers first ... 4 letter words are okay
- removing a couple of traps will be very helpful
- once most of the debris is removed, try to make some vertical blasters to drop chunks
- 13410 will get 2 stars ... 15510 3 stars
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- spread 37 cheese ... in 20 moves .. 26 moves(Feb 27 2019) ... 28 moves(May 22 2020)
- the move stealers blow up in 3 moves(added Feb 27 2019)
- there are 39 tiles ... one tile can remain unused(one tile may disappear in the upper left corner)
- try to make 4-letter words(or longer) when playing move stealers and entanglers
- 4 letter words will create crowns which help spread the cheese
- whenever a blaster is played .... try to hit a trap
- start spreading cheese after a few entanglers have been removed near the corners
- 13100 will get 2 stars ... 13460 3 stars
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