Level Help 126-140 Cheese Mines

Posts: 1,976

- spread 46 cheese ... in 31 moves(May 22 2020)
- you may want to start with an artifact that provides extra move(s)
- early targets ... 4 rocks to clear the path to the cheese
- start spreading cheese asap
- blast rocks while spreading cheese
- 10 tiles can remain unused
- 16480 will get 2 stars ... 17180 3 stars
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- spread 50 cheese ... in 28 moves ... 31 moves(May 11 2019) ... 32 moves(May 22 2020)
- you may want to start with an artifact that provides extra move(s)
- if entanglers become annoying ... you may want to use an artifact that removes entangler(s)
- get the spread started on the 1st turn, if possible ... then hit the rocks often
- get the entanglers early
- rocks rocks rocks
- blast a trap whenever possible
- unused blasters add to the point total if there are unused moves at the end of the game
- a blaster is created and played for every unused move
- 16840 will get 2 stars ... 17240 3 stars
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- 72 bubbles ... in 28 moves ... 29 moves(May 11 2019) ... 31 moves(May 22 2020)
- you may want to start with an artifact that provides extra move(s)
- your first turn is important ... take your time and look to make a blaster
- move stealers blow up in 15 moves
- the 4 rocks are the main targets ... try to hit multiple rocks often early in the game
- try to hit 3 or 4 bubbles each turn early in the game
- be efficient when playing blasters ... try to hit at least one trap with each blaster
- save some crowns for the last few moves to get any isolated bubbles
- 13350 will get 2 stars ... 15010 3 stars
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- drop 4 chunks ... in 27 moves ... 30 moves(May 11 2019)
- drop 4 chunks ... in 31 moves(May 22 2020)
- you may want to start with an artifact that provides extra move(s)
- all 4 chunks appear to fall down the same column
- the move stealers(blue circles) blow up in 5 & 8 moves ... 2 moves are deducted when a move stealer blows up
- early targets: move stealers and the entangler below the chunk
- try to make long words with entanglers ... if not possible, 4-letter words with entanglers are a good thing
- after the move stealers are gone ... try to hit rocks below the chunks
- try to create blasters that will hit multiple targets
- after the entangler and rocks are removed ... try to create a vertical blaster below that chunk
- when a crown is played it will usually hit the tile or rock directly below a chunk
- save some crowns for the end to get any isolated tiles below a chunk
- 13460 will get 2 stars ... 14360 3 stars
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- spread 38 cheese ... in 23 moves ... 27 moves(May 11 2019) ... 29 moves(May 22 2020)
- if the move stealers always blow up ... try an artifact that removes 2 move stealers
- if you always run out of moves ... try an artifact that add move(s)
- get the move stealers first ... they blow up in 4 & 5 moves
- not every tile needs to be cheesed - 4 can be left at the end
- however, at least 2 of the 6 isolated tiles need to be cheesed
- crowns can be unpredictable when getting isolated tiles ... unless only isolated tiles are the only tiles without cheese
- blasters are more predictable when hitting entanglers and isolated tiles
- if a blaster has been cheesed ... when it hits an isolated tile the cheese most likely will spread to the isolated tile(an entangler will prevent cheese from spreading)
- summary ... use blasters to break entanglers and to spread cheese to isolated tiles
- 14960 will get 2 stars ... 15210 3 stars
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- 24 moves to spread 36 cheese ... 33 moves(May 11 2019)... 2 tiles remain unused at the and of the game
- spread 36 cheese ... in 30 moves(May 22 2020)
- the move stealers blow up in 5 7 and 9 turns ... concentrate on these early in the game
- keep playing even if a move stealer blows up
- try to spread cheese on the 2nd or 3rd move ... just to get it started
- blast a trap whenever possible
- 16110 will get 2 stars ... 16300 3 stars
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- spread 36 cheese ... in 25 moves ... 32 moves(May 11 2019) ... 33 moves(May 22 2020)
- you may want to start with an artifact that provides extra move(s)
- spread the cheese to every tile in the top 5 rows
- use blasters to break the entanglers in the lower 2 rows ... try to blast early and often, whenever possible
- create a few crowns as the upper rows are being filled
- the crowns will spread cheese to the lower rows once the upper rows are filled ... they also can break entanglers
- when a blaster has been cheesed it can often spread cheese to the lower rows when that blaster is played
- play-a-crown-get-a-crown ... make 4 letter words using a crown to keep from running out of crowns
- summary ... you need crowns at the end to spread cheese and break entanglers on the bottom 2 rows
- 15540 will get 2 stars ... 16450 3 stars
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- 84 bubbles ... in 38 moves(Dec 31 2017)
- 81 bubbles ... in 33 moves(May 11 2019) ... 35 moves(May 22 2020)
- you may want to start with an artifact that provides extra move(s)
- work on the upper corners whenever possible ... aim blasters at the traps
- the move stealers blow up in 13 moves
- try to take out the move stealers with blasters
- ... the rocks can be broken to get the move stealers, but that is not efficient(too many moves are used)
- don't forget about the entanglers and the 3 lower traps ... try to remove most of these by mid game
- try to take out at least 2 bubbles when a short word is played
- use crowns at the end to get any stragglers in the corners and in the middle column
- 17250 will get 2 stars ... 17670 3 stars
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