My 45 levels event has disappeared
Level 2
Hello farmers
The 45 levels event that started yesterday has disappeared. I passed 6 of 7 levels yesterday, I can't even remember the name of the event. What's going on?
This issue has happened to me before several times, when it happened I used to log off and log in to Facebook and the event came back, but then my missions disappeared too. Then I relogged on and the event was in but missions were out.... In 2 or 3 weeks missions usually come back.
But this time I logged off, logged into Facebook, logged back into and no events, no missions, nothing...
There's something wrong with this thing. My mom plays the game too, she's on level 1.400, she has no Facebook account and she gets beans rewarded events every two weeks at least. I get a beans event only once a month. Do we all players get the same number of events?. A higher level gets a lower number of beans events?
Thanks in advance
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