BWS3 Level 1771, how can I get the 1st place
Chapter 90 level 1771, the 1st place score is 373570 and I have the 2nd place with 270500. To achieve this score I used ERI for an extra shot, Brown Hat to multiply my final score, a hidden spell and 1 shooting star to win the level with 10 unused balls at the end.
Your suggestions will be appreciated @PrettyBubbles @johamilton of course @Lemurtek and from any other player.
Hi @maf34100 A lovely clear all level with lots of helpers, many brooms and rainbow rushes great for completing the level quickly and receiving your golden pin however. if you are replaying for first place then they are not so helpful as the most points are accumulated by completing levels slowly by hitting bubbles low down in order to accumulate points then clearing the level once you get on the last page.
Yes this requires some skill and takes a couple of turns to first get the layout of the game
This level is difficult to do that with so many helpers wanting to clear mass bubbles and in this level they are hard to avoid
Now this is my advice on my experiences at getting first place that doesn't mean someone else may have a different strategy for reaching first place but that's how I do it ๐โญ
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thank you @PrettyBubbles if I understand you correctly you suggest a slow approach to increase the points of each bubble e.g. not use the first helpers since you get 10 or 20 or 30 points per ball on a big number of balls at the beginning and proceed later with major clean ups of balls.
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Yes @maf34100 that's the technique I use ๐โญ
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t@PrettyBubbles thank you again, I will try this technique
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Good luck at achieving 1st place @maf34100 ๐โญ
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here is another 1st with 1226365 points by Gabriela and I am in 2nd place with 175660 points and 3 white stars. I will not try to beat that score but I would like to ask Gabriela how the score was achieved. How can I communicate with Gabriela if this is not against any rule?
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Hi @maf34100 No its not against the rules to communicate with fellow players the difficulty is knowing there user name as sometimes the name you see is not always there user name it can be there profile name ๐โญ
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Hi @PrettyBubbles who can help in finding Gabrila's user name?
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Hi @maf34100 Unfortunately we can not reveal a players username unless they decide to reveal it in the community as its there privacy ๐โญ
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Thank you @PrettyBubbles
How about revealing my user name to Gabriela, the reason I want to communicate and if she wants she sends me a message
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