Music contest
Level 2
Screen keeps saying no more switches and takes a life each time. Needs to be addressed. Blocking progression on MUSIC CONTEST.
Android, T-Mobile 5g, cache cleared, chrome history cleared. Turned off. Apps updated. The purchase shows in Season Pass. The 8 heart extended lives is not at top left. There is 12 Apx hrs left in extended lives. Lives are cancelling as regular.
In addition to that. The screen is saying no more switches available OOPS. This cancels a life each time. I can't progress in the Music Contest.
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In case you didn't see my answer elsewhere @crunched . You need to make the red match to the right of the board in level 2110 !
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You have posted your question on Pepper Panic. This game has not been active for a long time. Therefore, I will close this thread.
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