No internet connection
Best Answer
@JumpinJen Hi and welcome, the current amount of levels is 920 and at present there are no new levels planned for Alphabetty saga, you will only be able to play previous levels or a lot of people are resetting there progress to level 1 and starting again
Thank you
@JumpinJen Hi and welcome, Can you tell us what device your are playing on and also if you are receiving any error messages
Thank you
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Hi there @JumpinJen and good day to you.
Please ensure that your internet is properly connected and stable.
If all in order, try restarting the device and log back in to the game. Also, you may disconnect the device from internet without exiting the game, wait for a minute or less before reconnecting back your device to the internet. Try click play and see whether it works or not.
Please let us know if the above works or if you need help with other issues in the game.
Thank you. 🙂
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I also have this issue. Have tried the above suggestions and still not fixed.
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@Freddy_Falkner, I have an Android. Also, on level 920. Waiting for new levels and playing random past levels.
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廾𝗂 @JumpinJen, welcome to the Community!
It looks like you have replied to @Freddy_Falkner by posting a new question instead of doing it in your original thread. I will be closing this thread & your comment will be moved to the correct place (in your original question) so that Freddy and other players can see it to help you out further.
🍭 Meanwhile, why not take a look at our Community? 🍭
- Visit the Community Hub <>HERE to help get you started.
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@JumpinJen Hi and welcome, the current amount of levels is 920 and at present there are no new levels planned for Alphabetty saga, you will only be able to play previous levels or a lot of people are resetting there progress to level 1 and starting again
Thank you
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Thank you for all the insight. However, nothing suggested yet, has been something I haven't already tried. I still cannot connect to internet through King Games ONLY. I already reset AlphaBetty to beginning from level 920 and lost gold and because I can't connect or log in THROUGH GAMES it's not even recognizing me as I advance from the beginning.
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Hi @JumpinJen and welcome to our Community!
What error message do you get when you try to connect to your Facebook or King account?
Did you try to reinstall the app already?
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