why wont this site take me to where i can play this game
Level 2
why wont this site take me to where i can play this game
Best Answer
Thank you for answering. I was just creating an account, and I tried to play that game and couldn't understand why it wouldnt take me to play it! I am guessing this is due to flash. I now understand...thanx again :)
hi @outlawitch
💡I am going to use my psychic powers to predict that you are unable to sign in on a PC 💡
ABS is no longer available on PCs(since Dec 15 2020) ... it is still available on mobile devices
🍮 🍮 🍮 🍮
if, however, you are unable to sign in to a mobile device then we can ask @Crazy Cat Lad to examine your account
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Thank you for answering. I was just creating an account, and I tried to play that game and couldn't understand why it wouldnt take me to play it! I am guessing this is due to flash. I now understand...thanx again :)
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