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Hi, nice to join the community. I just want to play Alpha Betty Saga but can't find the link in here to play?
hi @kriscaravan
welcome to the community Kris
if you are looking for a link to play on a PC or laptop ... we have sad news ... ABS is no longer available on PCs
however ... if you play on a mobile device you can try these general steps:
1) open your app store
2) search for alphabetty saga
3) download the app
4) execute the app
if you have trouble downloading the app please tell us which app store your are using as well as the model of your device ... then one of our "expert" app people can give you more detailed instructions
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Have 2 Kindle Fires.The old one had Alpha Betty Saga but it no longer works in there. Tried to get it from Amazon in my new one. But can't. I'm not a tech, just a fan. Oh well, I give up again.
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hi @kriscaravan
don't give up so soon. I have a fire. Let's see if you can do the same thing as my fire.
do you see the apps icon like this image? ... if so click on it
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hi @kriscaravan
here are the next 2 steps
click on the magnifying glass
then type alpha betty saga ... click GET for AlphaBetty Saga
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Hi kris thanks u for everythink. Write me in my mail adress ok?
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