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Level 288
Hi, coffee drinker,
Addictive and frustrating.. Now I 'm stuck at level 288... The damn machine won't let me win. All consonants in one corner and vowels in the other very often, not to mention other problems. I 've tried so many times it 's driving me crazy! Help, please !
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Forfait to sign...
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I mean forgot...
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hi @Philareti
welcome back
congrats on your progress from 219 to 288 ... that is a lot of levels
hang in there on 288 ... some boards are more subject for getting unplayable tiles
so what do we do? ... swearing is okay ... but do not throw things
one approach ... use the quit button when you cannot make a blaster on the first move ... you need many lives
there are hints here ---> level 288 ... open in a new tab or a new window
if you like screenshots ... open in a new tab or a new window ... level 288 screenshots
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Hi, coffee drinker,
Addictive and frustrating.. Now I 'm stuck at level 288... The damn machine won't let me win. All consonants in one corner and vowels in the other very often, not to mention other problems. I 've tried so many times it 's driving me crazy! Help, please !
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hi @Philareti
for some reason your recent reply is the same as the post 90 minutes ago
there is a reply to your post if you scroll up ... am hoping it helps
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Hi again!
Ok, thanks for the hints. Actually I had already found vidéos 288. I do everything as advised, but as you say some boards are less playable than.others. Anyway, Philareti is very patient, she never swears or throw things !
Have a nice day!
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