I cannot seem to play alpha betty. All the main screen says is to download flash and I have done it

Level 1
I have downloaded flash twice and when I click on the game all the screen says that I need flash player to play
Best Answer
There's a Blog about King.com and HTML 5 which explains a bit what is happening and why
Hi Terri, have you tried to play in another browser? Try with Google Chrome for instance. Here's a video that might help you to resolve this issue on your PC.
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I have followed this video before from another link and it did not help. Only got more irritated when I have to put all my passwords back because of clearing my history, I was really looking forward to playing a new King game......
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Hi Terri, check this out https://care.king.com/en/alphabetty-saga/why-won-t-alphabetty-load-on-facebook. Might this be the issue you're having?
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My Flashplayer is enabled, don't need to download it because Windows 10 has it installed already. Checked with Adobe, and the flashplayer is working. Has nothing to do with Facebook. Has to do with the King.com website and the fact that when someone needs help, they (King.com) gives them the run around, or completely ignores them. Search for "alphabetty saga says i need flash player but I already have it", and you'll see that others are having the same problem. But, what's a few hundred discruntled players, when King.com has millions?
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There's a Blog about King.com and HTML 5 which explains a bit what is happening and why
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