Glitch on Level 159
In Level 159 the game keeps freezing up in the following situations:
- When a blast tile is used.
- When words longer than 5 letters are created.
- When several coal blocks are crunched at once.
Also, the auto-shuffle when there are no viable words is not working either. Oh, and the hints aren't working too. Currently I'm looking at board filled with consonants where the only vowels are three 'i's in the top row with no possible words able to be formed.
Hi Julia!
Try disabling any plugins and extensions in your browser. Also check what other programs you have running in the background while playing the game. I can also recommend that you use Google Chrome as it seems to run really well with Flash based games like AlphaBetty Saga.
Cheers :-)
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i also am stuck on this level for the same reason, always freezes.. i have tried all that combo suggessted and emailed king numerous times on this. the prob is definitly at their end ,, they need to get it fixedHi Julia!
Try disabling any plugins and extensions in your browser. Also check what other programs you have running in the background while playing the game. I can also recommend that you use Google Chrome as it seems to run really well with Flash based games like AlphaBetty Saga.
Cheers :-)
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Definitely a game problem..i have noticed this on other levels as well.Hi Julia!
Try disabling any plugins and extensions in your browser. Also check what other programs you have running in the background while playing the game. I can also recommend that you use Google Chrome as it seems to run really well with Flash based games like AlphaBetty Saga.
Cheers :-)
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google chrome does not run well. it freezes on 158 when board is nearly cleared EVERY TIME!
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