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AlphaBetty problems!!
Going through the tutorial (with NO option to skip), tells me to select A-L-P-H-A which I do, then I-N-K backwards which I do, then it asks me to highlight a word diagonally, but the letters are not the same as the examples, and I have tried to select every possible combination, but there is no actual word there!! I have lost two lives so far. Is this just a glitch or am I going to have to delete the game? Does anyone ever get a response from this site as I have posted before and never got a reply!
You're supposed to spell "magic" ... I'm having the same problem. Last I checked, magic doesn't end with an H! I've lost 2 lives as well.
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Normally it should be exactly like in this video:
If the letters are set up in a different way for you so that it's impossible to make the word "magic", I'd make a video or take a screenshot and post it here for the moderators to see.
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Having the same issue. Even googled Magic to see if it was a word!
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