I'm stuck on level 25. How do you get around all the mouse traps?

Level 1
Every time I make a move it seems another mouse trap is added. And you only get 12 moves total!! Help please.
The mousetraps move tiles every time you make a word, normally there's a fixed amount of them and more do not get added. It can be tricky but you just need to match words around them.
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12 moves isn't much so you need to make line blasters to remove vines and annoying mousetraps and to get the cheese to drop fast. Watch my video for a demonstration and more strategy tips... good luck!
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The toughest of the first 25 levels.. pure evil! 5-or more-letter words are necessary here to create columns of line boosters.The right timing is necessary here to destroy as many traps as possible. Do this asap. Also you need to eliminate the branches on the two corners of the boards because they prevent cheese chunks from moving down. For more tips click here: http://www.walkthrugames.com/alphabetty-saga-level-25/
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