Level 75 Alphabety Saga Help with Minus Signs

Posts: 2
Level 1
in Support
Why do i get negative -2 when I create some words? I create a word then in my turns left the number jumps from like 15 to 6? And what are the blue bombs?
If you don't use the blue letters first, they explode and you lose 2 turns.
0 -
🔺Your moves are going down because of Move Stealers.
- If not used before the end of the countdown shown in the bottom right of it, two moves are lost.
- Behave like a normal tile & falls with the other tiles.
- To destroy a Move Stealer, use it in a word or target it with a Line Blaster.
For ABS Level 75 info, tips & strategy see my answer ⬇️
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