Level 163.

Level 1
I make words with the right amount of letters to them, the word/letter counter turns green but I don't get credit for the word. What am I doing wrong? I've played this game a lot and never had this issue before.
I'm sorry I don't have an answer for you - but I searched for the same thing, the number of letters used will be highlighted on the left there but then I don't get credit for it either. I haven't figured out a rhyme or reason to it yet but it seems the letters with crowns are only sometimes counted as 2 letters towards the word tally. If you figure it out let me know!
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This has ocurred to me. The words don't count when thereading are letters tangled with vines. Or if the word is a 5 letter word, but the game is only asking for 4,6,7 letter words. Sometimes you will get credit if some letters are crowned. Depending on the amount of crowns your elegibility will count. Even if those letters have vines
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Has anyone found out anything about this...I'm now stuck at lv-50 cuz of this...I've sent a few emails & no1 has replied (except auto-generated email) it's crazy, I can't find anything on it!!)
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