alphabetty level 222 keeps crashing
I had the same problem, also with higher levels. Emailed support with no response in 4 days. I just kept starting it over until I finally made it through. Sorry I couldn't be of more help.
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Same thing here... Reshuffles twice and then goes off even though I can see words!! And then you lose a life. Very annoying and hope we get some freebies for when they make a fix for this.
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same BS as level 191. Must be the same idiot programmer. They must have it programmed so that the ! letters don't factor into whether there is a word so even though you have CAT ending with a T on the !, it doesn't register the word. Very annoying. I have literally had 5 turns end in a row without getting to play a single turn.
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GRRR, so infuriating. 4 times I go to play it just now, it shuffles 3 times, quits, shuffles 3 times, quits, shuffles 3 times, quits, shuffles 3 times quits. Come on King, get a clue here! Don't you even try the levels before sending them to your customers?
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Same here.why isn't something getting done?
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