AlphaBetty stuck at 90% loading since about 1pm CDT 1/25/2016 for MANY PEOPLE on Facebook
I have this same problem on in a browser. I have another account where I have only completed Level 1. I was able to load ABS and get into the game on this account on all three browsers (IE11, Chrome, Firefox), but got stuck in the same 90% place on my regular account (completed Level 320) on the same three browsers.
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I personally have finished level 320 and re-played and won many(most?) levels many times but many of the people in the in game "chat" have not finished yet so it's not just that.Oddly even though many people are affected, some are playing right along.
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Same problem here, also completed level 320
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Same problem here as well. I finished level 320 several months ago. Could play fine but as of yesterday doesn't load anymore.
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HK, when did you problem start?Same problem here, also completed level 320
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one day ago for me tooSame problem here as well. I finished level 320 several months ago. Could play fine but as of yesterday doesn't load anymore.
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I still have the same problem. How about you others? Still not working? I've tried it on different browsers and even different computers - same every time.
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At least one person finished with 320 was locked out and tried a different account on same computer which worked. People are starting to leave the game for other games .... King is going to lose money on this, especially since many of us were helping to keep other playing.
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Is it true that people that have completed the game cannot get back in and try to improve their scores on each level? If so that is really sad. I have very much enjoyed having more experienced players in the chat to help me along my way. I would have given up on the game without their help. Please change back to the way it was.
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There is a wonderful little AlphaBetty community that helps, supports and encourages each other. Now some of the most valued players are unable to participate: the game will no longer load for any user who has completed all 320 levels. While waiting for King to release new levels, these players would hone their skills, sharpen their vocabulary and develop strategies. It certainly seems as if there has been a calculated effort to keep the alumni from playing and a patronizing lack of effective help from the games administrators. This peevish lack of respect for their own patrons is petty and perfidious. Please restore the right to play to these devoted people.
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