AlphaBetty stuck at 90% loading since about 1pm CDT 1/25/2016 for MANY PEOPLE on Facebook
I've been able to get into my account on the ipad for going back and redoing older levels. The mobile version is only up to level 290, but all the earlier levels are still there. Of course, the mobile version has defective handling of crown magnets so those levels don't work very well.
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Im locked out one fb account.. but not on another... I do not feel like starting all over again!
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So are you going to answer any of us? What the heck is the problem. It has been days and this game will not load. Fix it please.
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To be clear this is the Game FAILING TO LOAD (not a 'lockout') at the "Loading" splash screen -- but only for those finished with Level 320.ABS has separately indicated they have no ability to lock out players and do not do this, and that they know of a failure to load.It would be nice if AlphaBetty Saga support would at least respond here and confirm that this is true and they are working to fix THIS problem.
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The game loaded today for several of us so apparently the issue is resolved. Thx King.
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