Need answer on Alphabetty lockout issue!!!

Level 1
Why is there absolutely NO RESPONSE from concerning the lockout issues after everyone passes Level 320?? I still had gold bars (that were purchased mind you)!! I feel that the lack of response is rather disrespectful. I would have liked to continue in the "secret level" and redo levels that I had already done. I've tried all of the "fixes" suggested by others & tried from different computers. (Mac & Windows-based), so I feel sure this is a decision made by the, though for whatever reason is lost on me.
I have no idea what this 'lockout' feature is, can you please explain to me what it is.
The game has 320 levels right now with more to come I'm guessing as its a new game. Your gold bars will stay there until you can play again so just hang tight and wait for the new episode I guess.
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The game will not load anymore now that I (and many others) have finished Level 320. There are numerous threads on this issue. If I knew that more levels were coming that might be fine, but I should still be able to access the game and play old levels, etc. But that is not possible. Seems very unfair to punish those that have played the game to this point.
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I haven't seen anything like this. If the game is not loading, its probably your pc or browser. Try Chrome, always works fine for me. You should also check that your Flash player is running okay as this is what the game uses to work
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