I have been stuck on level 194 for ages with no clue as to what to do to complete it -- any help??

Level 1
I need help with level 194 alphabetty, and this is stupid having to write 80 characters when i only need write a few
Perseverance is the only thing since no amount of advice can change the tiles which are generated on the board. You can always watch someone else play and beat the level to see if that helps:
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I have been on youtube and looked at the recordings but their level 194 is different to my level 194 - mine has double solid blocks down the right hand side and a single row down the left hand side -- you need to blast them at least 3 times each -- it very rarely gives you words with 5 letters or more
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my level 194 is different from 194 on youtube -- mine has solid black blocks down the right and left with each on requiring at least 3 blasts each -- there are not enough goes to allow thisPerseverance is the only thing since no amount of advice can change the tiles which are generated on the board. You can always watch someone else play and beat the level to see if that helps:
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good luck to you. These games are driving me nuts
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I used the power up that gave me two extra moves, and FINALLY beat this level.
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