Level 395 - impossible without boosters.
After many attempts and a lot of math I can reach no other conclusion than that this level is impossible without purchases. As I maintain a policy of free or flee I will therefore reluctantly have to bow out of what is otherwise King's best game by a country mile. Thank-you for the ride but sadly I must get off the bus many stops too early.
Hi Baz,
Thank you for posting this here on King Care.
Rest assured that your feedback provided here won´t go unnoticed for our Game Studio.
Unfortunately I don´t have any update regarding the bus schedule or future bus-stops at this very moment, but if I will at some stage, then you´ll be informed.
Kindest regards,
Tony - King Care Team
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I'm in the same position. Even with many long words to clear the bubbles , there are still several scattered all over the board, which would take several more moves to clear. The answer is fewer bubbles or more moves.
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