I'm stuck on level 300 AlphaBetty Saga. Any suggestions?
Best Answer
I agree. How many moves are needed to complete Alphabetty Saga level 300? The game will give me a maximum of 14, but all the instructional videos show more - one shows 17, another shows 25!
I agree. How many moves are needed to complete Alphabetty Saga level 300? The game will give me a maximum of 14, but all the instructional videos show more - one shows 17, another shows 25!
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Thanks Deb. Looks like King wants me to buy extra moves. Thanks for the confirmation. That was my calculation as well.
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Hi Carol, It sounds like King has changed this Level and made it harder since the videos were made. Did you manage to pass it?
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No, I haven't passed this level. I've been working on it for over a month and have given up. King needs to give more moves. Usually I finish with needing to still drop 5 to 6 more cheeses! No motivation to buy extra moves.
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