Level 422, Alpha Betty Saga
Hi Penny,
Thank you for posting this here on King Care.
Congratulations for beating this level 422 too. Please feel free to share here with the community how you did it.
Kindest regards and have a great day,
Tony - King Care Team
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You have to wait two or three moves until the 8th shows up. I have been trying for a month and still haven't figured out if you need a certain number of points to make the 6th, 7th and 8th chunk appear.Probably you need to finish the 7th chunk with still at least 3 moves to go. Otherwise you don't have enough moves to wait for the 8th chunk and finish it with your last move. Frustrating indeed. Good luck!
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Thanks a lot for your input Master FuYou have to wait two or three moves until the 8th shows up. I have been trying for a month and still haven't figured out if you need a certain number of points to make the 6th, 7th and 8th chunk appear.Probably you need to finish the 7th chunk with still at least 3 moves to go. Otherwise you don't have enough moves to wait for the 8th chunk and finish it with your last move. Frustrating indeed. Good luck!
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