How do I get the videos to earn free gold bars?
Hi susieq1,
Thank you for posting this here on King Care.
Not always all challenges will be available for all our players in all our games.
This can occur since most challenges, new elements or extras are made available to only a small part of the players, randomly chosen, for testing purposes and to better analise the impact.
The opposite can also happen and some challenges or features might get deactivated after some time.
I understand this might not be appreciated by all our players, but I guarantee this is the best way for us to improve our games, challenges and gaming elements in the future.
Kindest regards,
Tony - King Care Team
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This was/is a very helpful feature. I hope you bring it back.
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Thank you for your feedback Kunj1This was/is a very helpful feature. I hope you bring it back.
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