How many levels in alpha betty?
Hey Heather,
Did you check for updates on your Kindle for the AlphaBetty Saga app?
Keep an eye out on the Facebook page of this game as well
Sounds like it has only 320 levels on Kindle if it keeps reloading.
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Today, there are 335 levels. I think that's the maximum until we get another update.
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I have just completed level 410 on samsung tablet Does any one know any higher levels
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I was hoping 500 would be the last level. However, I'm now on level 504!
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Hello I'm in level5300
Hello I'm in level530
What operating system do you use Grace?0 -
I'm now on level 540 and have to wait until they open more levels on the Android version. So, now comes the part where I continually fool myself into thinking I'm not addicted to this game!
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Until now no updAte im level 540
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Stuck on 595 ... it's a bitch of a level ... as of today, there are 600 levels that I can see
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Awesome!Stuck on 595 ... it's a bitch of a level ... as of today, there are 600 levels that I can see
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