Alphabetty help
Hi FT,
395 isn't the last level, so it's not quite time to give up your addiction:)
It's possibly just a one off glitch or momentary loss of connection that caused the problem.
You can try again, or attempt the level via Facebook.
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Hi Graham
thanks so much for getting back to me. How do I attempt the level via Facebook. I've always been playing via Facebook anyway I think. The problem is still there and nothing seems to move me forward. It's so frustrating. Any other ideas?
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Hi FT, I have been having the same problem on level 363, everything I have done does not help, its so frustrating, the game will not let me scroll lower than 353 or higher than 363 (last level won), cleaned everything, even did a piriform clean and nothing works...grrr
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I'm having same issue on lvl 630.
- All Categories
- 180 General
- 421 Conversations Migration (to be deleted?)
- 8.3K Community Hub
- 25.2K Mod Corner
- 5.7K Bubble Witch Saga
- 655 Bubble Witch 2
- 1.7K Blossom Blast Saga
- 129.5K Candy Crush Saga
- 11.3K Candy Crush Friends Saga
- 6.1K Candy Crush Jelly Saga
- 30.4K Candy Crush Soda Saga
- 94 Candy Crush Solitaire
- 1.6K Diamond Diaries Saga
- 10.4K Farm Heroes Saga
- 1.8K Farm Heroes Super Saga
- 8.6K Pet Rescue Saga
- 1.9K Pyramid Solitaire Saga