Level 566 in Alphabetty Saga far too difficult
Agreed. This is a very difficult level. I finally finished it without help. Other than just pure luck, I can only offer this advise. If you can't start with a 6 letter word, at the Top of the puzzle, just start over.
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another alphabetty level made with the feet
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I got past it yesterday with Mystery Mouse plus a lot of free shuffles that I've been accumulating by launching the game between noon and 2 pm and spinning the wheel. I waited until I had 5 shuffles then I used them all and got lucky. Two of the shuffles produced no play and I had to shuffle again immediately to keep the game going.
One of the players said to try to start with a 6-letter word, but if you make 5-letter words with four letters and a crown, you get another crown. All my 5-letter words were 4 letters plus a crown in that game.
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Free shuffles ? Where do they come from ? I used to get free gold but that stopped ages ago and what wheel to spin ? I have only seen the wheel on candy crush Are rules and freebies only available in certain countries or certain devices?
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The wheel appears only between noon and 2 pm local time. It didn't appear today; it may have been something fleeting or came up after I got stuck for a month on this level.Usually I win a free crown from the wheel which is something you select before the game starts, which I've tried, and I have no idea what it did. No extra crowns appeared. I didn't get double crowns for a 4 letter word. I didn't get a crown on my head. I wasn't visited by royalty. The word "crown" didn't appear in the puzzle.There are six things on the wheel, one of them being the jackpot. I've only hit crowns and shuffles. I don't even remember what the others are. I'm sorry I cannot be more helpful.btw, you asked in an earlier post does King play the games to test them out? Yes. The employees play games an hour a day as part of their job. I don't think they are required to play King games, but I suspect they often or usually do.Free shuffles ? Where do they come from ? I used to get free gold but that stopped ages ago and what wheel to spin ? I have only seen the wheel on candy crush Are rules and freebies only available in certain countries or certain devices?
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Yikes, they are stripping my CRLFs from my response. BOOOOOOOO!Free shuffles ? Where do they come from ? I used to get free gold but that stopped ages ago and what wheel to spin ? I have only seen the wheel on candy crush Are rules and freebies only available in certain countries or certain devices?
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I too am ready to abandon this game at this level.
I go through five lives in less than two minutes.
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I just tried again. Again 3 times it shuffled to death, and with the two remaining chances, I got two plays on each until I was past being able to complete the challenge. Someone dropped the ball on this level design. And they need to fix it, or thy are dropping the ball again. Gonna put it away until they do an upgrade and fix this shit.
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Is this going to be changed, or am I taking this game off my phone?
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I used to enjoy this game for about an hour a day. Was a great way to wind down after a day. Now I spend about 2 minutes a day on it, because that is how long it takes to go through 5 lives on level 566. Don't bother asking King Care for help, all they have is empty platitudes.
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