Alpha Betty Level 414

Level 1
Your supposed to get 5 cheese chunks, but after the 4th one, the 5th chunk doesn't appear even after 2 go rounds. I saw the same question with level 418. I do have the latest version.
Best Answer
Hi Ashley!
Do you have the game connected to Facebook? If yes then try playing the level there. Once completed your progress is synced back to your device and you can now continue from the next level.
Hi Ashley!
Do you have the game connected to Facebook? If yes then try playing the level there. Once completed your progress is synced back to your device and you can now continue from the next level.
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I mistakenly hit the solved button. The Facebook platform only goes up to 410. And it's on both my phone and iPad this is still an issue.
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Eventually the 5th cheese chunk will appear. The trick is to still have enough plays left to get it down. It's a tough level, but solve-able.
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