Cannot get Alphabetty to load on either Firefox nor MS Edge browsers - Flash issue

Level 1
Up until two days ago I consistently played AlphaBetty, in fact I have completed all the games and am going back to get three stars on all of them. Suddenly I started getting an error message saying I needed to have Adobe Flash. Edge browser doesn't use Flash and Firefox already had Flash enabled so I tried the following with no results: Clear all caches, uninstall Flash, delete Flash cache folders, reinstall Flash, add to trusted sites, etc. Nothing worked. Does anyone have the answer to fixing this? I can play all the other games but my favorite one!
I can't get on in any browser - although opera was giving me the wonky flash message - which I have enabled. firefox and chrome just give me the we are experiencing difficulties screen - maddening. Oh - I did get on in IE - but it was the old version of the game and stopped at level 410. I'm on 577 - granted stuck but I'd like to be able to try
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