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Alphabetty level 592 keeps reshuffling
Posts: 19
Level 1
in Support
Alphabetty level 592 is ridiculous. It keeps reshuffling itself and then closes down, so that you lose lives before you can even play the game. Come on King Care, fix it please.
Another ridiculous level most I have mastered is 4 before running out of moves and that is after numerous reshuffles and game being eliminated Why do you do this King ?
It is no longer a game of skill as it is impossible to master
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I did get through this one in the end, sheer luck. Now stuck on 595. If you look at the thread for that you'll see that it's hardly worth getting through 592 because 595 is just a money-grabber. I think most of us loyal fans are giving up on this one.
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not an answer ... but you can view notes on 592 and 595(and others) here ... http://www.screenshotabe.com/index.php
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