Will anyone ever pass Level 595 of Alphabetty?
I've done 595 now, just had to spend 9 gold bars which I don't mind after multiple attempts at the "easier" version. Does 599 need its own thread?
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Passed it too Had to use 9 gold bars just to make 1 move to pass thankfully am getting free gold from the videos .....they will probably stop that now ....
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@IEEEGal, @Sheila - have completed the entire episode a couple hours since passing 595... I can't remember 599 being hard, rather it took forever and one lineblaster to go through 598 for a meager 1 star - so I played 598 again yesterday and got 2 stars at the 2nd try without boosters, hence I guess that has been nerfed as well....@Kate, you getting videos for gold? So it appears some of us have a daily booster wheel (me), some get videos for gold (you) and someone (Lourdes?) get nothing at all. How bizarre.
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I must be an idiot because it I'm still in the Hades that is level 595. I think I'm out in another couple days.
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I finally passed this level after the revision to 22 moves and only 2 bombs. Many thanks to all helped by voicing their dissatisfaction with the original version. Good luck with the next episode!
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I've finished the level now. Good luck to all those still stuck on it! Thank you King Care for listening to us and realising that if a game is too difficult for us that have stuck with you for 600 games, then it has to be revised!
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Finally, I won it ( with the help of 2x9 goldbars obtained free of charge, by looking several times a day at the little advertising videos) I has been a hard work: the major problem for me was the insuffisance of vowels
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...insufficiency..sorry for my English
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@Alessandro Yes, it is strange that different people get different booster options. I get both videos for free gold often and the daily wheel. My sister gets neither. I suspect it depends on what hardware and OS people have. I do admire the software engineers who code this game. And 599 wasn't too terrible after all.
Happy Holidays to all you Alphabetty fans!
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