Level 82 of AlphaBetty glitch?
I've played up to Level 89 with no problems getting three stars, usually on the first try. After about 100 plays (maybe more) of level 82, I can't seem to get past one star. It seems to be scoring differently than in other levels and it's the same condition on both my android tablet and phone (both Samsung-linked account).
I've CRUSHED it several times on that level and it will never score to even two stars or right around 20K points. It seems to get to a certain point after completing the words (almost to the second star) and just stops adding credit to the yellow bar no matter how many line blasters are blowing up beyond that point. Is it possible this is a glitch? Am I AlphaBetty-challenged more than I think I am??? What gives??? I've tried many different strategies and always the same result.
I am having the same problem with this level. No matter how many crowns, line blasters and seven letter words I find I cannot get more than one star. Perhaps this is a glitch they can fix!
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