How many levels are in AlphaBetty Saga?
On 519 as of just now...
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I'm now on level 540 and have to wait until they open more levels on the Android version. So, now comes the part where I continually fool myself into thinking I'm not addicted to this game!
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Level 550 and no more...
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I'm on 595 right now ... and there are levels beyond. I can see level 600 .. but 595 is so tough, I can't move forward. Stupid crazy tough. Anyone know the trick to passing it, or is there one?
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I just beat level 600 and yes, there are more :)Cool thing is, in the upper 500's, there is a whole new kind of level introduced "Find the words" ... kind of like a Wheel Of Fortune puzzle ...
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Level 609 right now
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Just completed level 630. Will not allow me to move to 631.
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Yes, I completed Level 630 on January 29th, but find no further levels to advance. I replayed and won two more times with the same result.Just completed level 630. Will not allow me to move to 631.
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Finished 640 and it says check back soon for more levels - so I guess that it for the moment
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Was there a new game type for you called 'Find the Letters'? If so, which level number?Finished 640 and it says check back soon for more levels - so I guess that it for the moment
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