How many levels in alpha betty?
I’m at 660 and awaiting updates
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I just finished level 680 on iPad. That seems to be as far as the game goes.
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I’ve just completed level 700 and was not offered another level, although it would let me play 700 again. So for now, and sadly, I guess 700 is it and now I HAVE to do housework
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Not yet updatedI’ve just completed level 700 and was not offered another level, although it would let me play 700 again. So for now, and sadly, I guess 700 is it and now I HAVE to do housework
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I am on level 728, upgrade the game.....
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Finished 750 a week ago waiting for new levels ......
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Waiting for 751 no update very long
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728 update your appI just finished level 680 on iPad. That seems to be as far as the game goes.
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I just finished level 890 on my Android device0
I finished level 890 on IOS - still not updated.0
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