Alpha betty facebook sync troubles
While playing alpha betty, I can't see my friends in the invite list. Also when playing new and old levels, the score isn't updating anymore. It doesn't matter if I play the game on my android device or on facebook. When I beat my listed friends highscores it doesn't show up.
I tried with two facebook account, different computers and two different samsung android smartphones. Tried everything that I could find on the support pages, like un-install and install again (facebook and alpha betty), updating, etc...
I'm out of ideas what I can do to fix the problem.
Best Answer
Hey Johnnyvp! The friendslist issue is a problem a lot of games are having right now and, as far as I know (don't quote me on that though), it's on facebooks end. We expect to see it solved soonish. As for the score issue: we recently made a change that broke it, and the score of a given level is displayed in the previous level popup (don't worry, your new highscores are save, keep up with the good work). We're aware of this and are fixing it right now. Not sure if we'll be able to get in April 25th release; if we miss it, expect it to land around May 10th.-------------- Thank you for posting, hope your questions were answered
Hey Johnnyvp! The friendslist issue is a problem a lot of games are having right now and, as far as I know (don't quote me on that though), it's on facebooks end. We expect to see it solved soonish. As for the score issue: we recently made a change that broke it, and the score of a given level is displayed in the previous level popup (don't worry, your new highscores are save, keep up with the good work). We're aware of this and are fixing it right now. Not sure if we'll be able to get in April 25th release; if we miss it, expect it to land around May 10th.-------------- Thank you for posting, hope your questions were answered
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The scoring issue appears to be resolved in the May 10 2018 release.
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