Any hints for passing Alphabetty 734?
Best Answer
I'm afraid there's not much more to it than what's "obvious". The hardest rocks line to clear will be the upper one, because your line-blasts will inevitably fall, so I would focus on that first.
That said, you'll be happy to hear that today (06 July) the level has been tweaked to make it a bit more easier, since, indeed, it was a little too hard for what we intended.
I'm afraid there's not much more to it than what's "obvious". The hardest rocks line to clear will be the upper one, because your line-blasts will inevitably fall, so I would focus on that first.
That said, you'll be happy to hear that today (06 July) the level has been tweaked to make it a bit more easier, since, indeed, it was a little too hard for what we intended.
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Thanks, nBoo! I did manage to make it through before the tweak. I was just impatient when I posed the question. Now 739 is the big challenge. I do love this game!
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