Level 742 is impossible

Level 1
How are you supposed to make 21 words in 20 moves?!
Hey Katie, you should get 22 moves in total. I just checked and the level is not that complicated based on the amount of players passing it... and I'm sure you can do it too
The best thing to do when you are finding a level a little tricky is to watch a YouTube tutorial or two.
Simply go to YouTube and search for Alpha Betty level 742 and you'll find a wide selection of videos to watch.
Always make sure the title says "no boosters" or similar to make sure the other player didn't make it easy for themselves!
Note that there may be occasional differences as we do make changes to some levels. If the level in the video is different to the one you have in the game then please go to back to the search page, select Filter and then choose Upload Date, to see the most recent videos.
Good luck and let me know how that goes for you!!
- Mia.
PS: Don't miss your chance to get 150 Gold bars, it's super easy, really quick and it ends on Friday! Simply go to: https://care.king.com/en/blog/article/celebrate-diamond-diaries-with-100-gold-bars-or-1
Good luck
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I just updated the game and I still only have 20 moves.Hey Katie, you should get 22 moves in total. I just checked and the level is not that complicated based on the amount of players passing it... and I'm sure you can do it too
The best thing to do when you are finding a level a little tricky is to watch a YouTube tutorial or two.
Simply go to YouTube and search for Alpha Betty level 742 and you'll find a wide selection of videos to watch.
Always make sure the title says "no boosters" or similar to make sure the other player didn't make it easy for themselves!
Note that there may be occasional differences as we do make changes to some levels. If the level in the video is different to the one you have in the game then please go to back to the search page, select Filter and then choose Upload Date, to see the most recent videos.
Good luck and let me know how that goes for you!!
- Mia.
PS: Don't miss your chance to get 150 Gold bars, it's super easy, really quick and it ends on Friday! Simply go to: https://care.king.com/en/blog/article/celebrate-diamond-diaries-with-100-gold-bars-or-1
Good luck
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Hey Katie,
Sorry for giving you an incomplete reply yesterday. You get 22 moves if you play with the Cowboy mousse. We have reported the problem to the Studio and they should be able to change the level shortly. I will keep you posted once it's done!
Sorry again and thanks for reporting this
- Mia
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My cowboy mouse only gives 1 move. Level is thus impossible.
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Players are passing it because they are paying for the boosters to do so. There is no Youtube video for this level either.
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Hi Melissa,
You probably haven't seen my latest update which confirmed there's an issue with the level and that our Team is looking into it. I will keep everyone posted on this page once it's been tweaked.
Until then, have a great time.
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Hello everyone,
A few moves have been added now, to make it better
Simply update your game app with the latest version from your app store and you'll be ready to get back to the adventure.
Let me know how it goes for you then! Good luck!
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