
Level 1
Level 750 no update until now
Hi Grace, another player has asked the same, so I am waiting to hear back from the King team, and I will let you know
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also waiting for updates .....
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While you are waiting for more levels have you tried one of Kings other games? Diamond diaries has just been released
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Hello thé level750 its the last level ? Where is the update
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Hi Grace, smaller games do not update as frequently as the bigger ones.
I can ask the moderator again to ask the studio if they are working on them , but it might be a wait
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Hi guys,
And wow! What an amazing achievement on reaching level 750. I hope you've had a blast so far!
New levels will be available soon, but I don't have an exact date just yet I'm afraid, but make sure to keep your game app updated to be amongst the first in discovering all the new fun.
In the meantime why not try our new exciting game Diamond Diaries for more hours of enjoyment?!
Have a fun-tastic day
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