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alphabetty saga
Level 1
I clicked on the game and the pop up standard first word ALPHA pops up and it tells me to link at least three letters together etc... I can click on the letters that spell ALPHA but nothing happens and that screen does not go away. I can't even get to the first level as it never leaves the intial alpha screen.
Hi Michelle! You need to click on the first letter and hold down the mouse button as you move over the letter, then it should work :-)
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It won't work on my PC, either! I have a college degree and I'm frustrated I can't figure this out....
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Hi Barbara! There should have been an intro in the game where you can link a word to see how it works.
It should look something like this:
Cheers :-)
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Thanks for solving my mystery too! Nice if they mentioned this on the screen. Very poor set up for brand new players unaware.Hi Michelle! You need to click on the first letter and hold down the mouse button as you move over the letter, then it should work :-)
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same thing for me, nothing happens or moves, windows 8?
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it sits like that on that screen, held mouse down, tried everything
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Hi Tanya. Sounds strange.. would it be possible for you to try from another computer? Thanks if you can post your feedback here.
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I am having the same problem as everyone else. I can't get past the ALPHA part of the first step. King needs to look into this. I am using my MAC. No problem playing Candy Crush. Thanks.
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Have the same problems as all the others above.
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I have the same issue, I can't move past the ALPHA. Can someone help?
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