How do I access Mystery Mouse on AlphaBetty Saga?
I have it and my friend doesn't so I guess its the same as the booster wheel in Candy and the club in Farm. Some players will have it and some won't
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It could be he has completed more levels than you and it will show up after you complete more levels.
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A new clue. I just got Mummy Mouse (the third library entry). What unlocks it is getting a certain number of stars at the part you're on. I got Mummy Mouse with 40 out of 90 possible stars. So if you've passed some levels with only one star, try them again to build up more stars and I bet you'll get the Mystery Mouse and Royal Guard too. Each of those relies on a total of 150 possible stars. Sorry, I don't recall how many stars it took to get each of them.
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It is random, some people get it some don't....It is the same with every King game, some people get advantages when there are new things in the games - others don't.
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The booster wheel in Candy Crush is after you pass a certain level, I think level 50... but can't remember for sure. The club in Farm Heroes is accessed once you pass those levels shaped like a cow. You need to get three stars to benefit from all three animal bonuses. But if you only pass with one or two stars you are limited to the first and/or second animal bonus on future levels.I have it and my friend doesn't so I guess its the same as the booster wheel in Candy and the club in Farm. Some players will have it and some won't
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I'm not sure if this is true. My friend first got access to the library after level 17, and I've had 3 stars for the first 20 levels and still don't have it. So I'm trying to get 3 stars on all levels and see what happens...A new clue. I just got Mummy Mouse (the third library entry). What unlocks it is getting a certain number of stars at the part you're on. I got Mummy Mouse with 40 out of 90 possible stars. So if you've passed some levels with only one star, try them again to build up more stars and I bet you'll get the Mystery Mouse and Royal Guard too. Each of those relies on a total of 150 possible stars. Sorry, I don't recall how many stars it took to get each of them.
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