I have never seen this addressed on Alphabetty saga websites. How do you work a line blaster booste

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Level 1
in Support
How do you work a line blaster booster in the game Alphabetty Saga? I cannot get them to work. I can put the booster on a letter on a line but it won't do anything.
You are placing a line blast on a letter to then match it up not to activate as soon as its on the board. You have to match it up first like any other line booster.
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I placed the line blaster on a letter and tried to use it in a word, but it just sits there flashing with up and down arrows flashing on it. What am I missing? ThanksYou are placing a line blast on a letter to then match it up not to activate as soon as its on the board. You have to match it up first like any other line booster.
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Are you confirming the boost at top of screenYou are placing a line blast on a letter to then match it up not to activate as soon as its on the board. You have to match it up first like any other line booster.
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