how do i find the free lives?

Level 1
My friends are sending me lives but i can't figure out where they are and how to use them. Please help!
Best Answer
Thank you. I see them now. It's weird because up to me posting this question i never once saw them on the bottom of my screen. But thank you for your help.
On the saga map, you should see in the bottom left 3 little icons, the third on is an envelope which when clicked on, will bring up any lives and that have been sent to you.
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Thank you. I see them now. It's weird because up to me posting this question i never once saw them on the bottom of my screen. But thank you for your help.
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I do not see those 3 little icons. Never have been playing this game forever..and have never been able to get lives people send me
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Are you also playing on mobile?I do not see those 3 little icons. Never have been playing this game forever..and have never been able to get lives people send me
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I still can't the correct answer, but I have no little icons at the bottom of the map, it seems from friends that these are playing on the tablet but not on the laptop ???Thank you. I see them now. It's weird because up to me posting this question i never once saw them on the bottom of my screen. But thank you for your help.
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I have not see the 3 little icons on the bottom left or right hand side of the map. Been playing quite awhile now and cannot locate my free lives. Please help.
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